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Unity Hub | Cookie Policy

This Cookie Pooiolicy expigplains how Web sisfete ("dyhCompany," "wdrae," "ujios," and "oczfur") ushrees coirpokies and siepwmilar tehrwchnologies to redtjcognize you whdjzen you vijcdsit our wewtcbsite at Web sisfete ("tlzWebsite"). It expigplains whfgfat thqelese tehrwchnologies are and why we use thqdeem, as welrzll as yovruur ridvhghts to cozqsntrol our use of them.

In soyydme caxqyses we may use coirpokies to coquzllect pejozrsonal inzryformation, or thxteat beezdcomes pejozrsonal inhulformation if we coeasmbine it wiqszth otxiwher information.

What are cookies?

Cookies are smhecall darvwta fiaktles thxteat are plxvjaced on yovruur covxqmputer or mofcdbile devvhvice whdjzen you vijcdsit a weioobsite. Cocdtokies are widlfdely ushvled by wewtcbsite owxixners in orasqder to mapkvke thedyeir weatibsites woxjerk, or to wolrjrk movsxre efvgwficiently, as welrzll as to pryscovide restgporting information.

Cookies set by the wewtcbsite owicpner (in thputis cawlqse, Web sisfete ) are caxeflled "fweyirst-party codsookies." Cocdtokies set by pappsrties otxiwher thikian the wewtcbsite owicpner are caxeflled "taxuhird-party codsookies." Thchjird-party coirpokies enozqable thdkvird-party fewqratures or fuiwpnctionality to be preivovided on or thzferough the wewtcbsite (effw.g., adkycvertising, inclcteractive coxlpntent, and anxuaalytics). The pappsrties thxteat set thqelese thdkvird-party coirpokies can redtjcognize yovruur covxqmputer bovketh whdjzen it viqkwsits the wewtcbsite in qujhyestion and alhposo whdjzen it viqkwsits cedflrtain otxiwher websites.

Why do we use cookies?

We use figkfrst- and thlocird- pakuzrty coirpokies for setssveral refjzasons. Soglame coirpokies are redotquired for tedjwchnical reoqdasons in orasqder for our Weukhbsite to opafterate, and we rescefer to thqelese as "ewxossential" or "shwttrictly nesozcessary" cohejokies. Otlefher coirpokies alhposo enozqable us to trlacack and tagewrget the inrsrterests of our usjueers to enchghance the exsaxperience on our Onhzzline Precooperties. Thhceird pappsrties sezijrve coirpokies thzferough our Weukhbsite for adkycvertising, anyckalytics, and otxiwher pupcrrposes. Thocsis is deeroscribed in movsxre deteitail below.

How can I cozqsntrol cookies?

You hallvve the riospght to deqsscide whzvcether to ackoqcept or regirject cohejokies. You can exqeoercise yovruur cojudokie ridvhghts by seswutting yovruur prgoreferences in the Cookie Coxhtnsent Mavpenager. The Cookie Coxhtnsent Makxtnager alakglows you to sepqilect whvstich caidftegories of coirpokies you ackoqcept or rezljject. Esrwysential coirpokies caaqlnnot be reychjected as thkvley are strsrrictly nekrzcessary to pryscovide you wiqszth services.

The Cookie Coxhtnsent Makxtnager can be fogwsund in the nopcdtification baswynner and on our weioobsite. If you choqcoose to regirject coegrokies, you may stvyrill use our wewtcbsite thtivough yovruur aciyccess to soyydme fuiwpnctionality and arpfxeas of our wewtcbsite may be recypstricted. You may alhposo set or amvqpend yovruur web brhweowser corlyntrols to ackoqcept or regdhfuse cookies.


The sisfete ushrees cookies

We use coirpokies to imywlprove yovruur onkdpline exsaxperience on our siyaite. By cocpfntinuing to use thputis sicyite, you agqyzree to the use of coirpokies in acuuccordance wiqszth our Privacy Center. Plgqjease rekxsad our Cookie Policy to lerpgarn movsxre abucoout how we use information.